       November 24th, 2018
       Cosmic Voyage is live!
 (DIR) Cosmic Voyage on Gopher
 (HTM) Cosmic Voyage on the Web
 (HTM) Cosmic Voyage RSS Feed
       If you don't know what I'm talking about, look here:
 (DIR) Space Gopher, Revisited
       If you'd like to join, send an email to:
               tomasino [at] lavabit [dot] com
       Be sure to include the following:
               1. Your desired username - we don't use it in the story
                  itself, but there may be some uses on the system for
                  local mail and logging in.
               2. Your first ship/colony/outpost name - This is what
                  you'll be using to write the story content. You can
                  have as many ships as you'd like. Just send me a note
                  to request more.
               3. A public SSH key - We use key-based logins to ssh, not
                  passwords. Shoot me the contents of the key or a link
                  to it.
       Once you sign up you'll receive an email detailing some basic
       operations on the server. For instance, to author a message in the
       story you'll need to be able to do two things:
               1. Create & edit text files
               2. Run the 'log' command and follow the prompts
       No gopher expertise is needed!
       If you have more questions, I'm pretty easy to find. For
       cosmic.voyage in particular I sit in the #cosmic channel on
       irc.tilde.chat. Information on how to connect to that server here:
 (HTM) tilde.chat