       phlog listing updates
       April 11th, 2019
       It looks like tilde.town recently updated gophernicus, which is
       awesome. Many of the servers out there running gophernicus leave
       the bottom footer active for their users, which shows the current
       gophernicus version that's running.
       In my /etc/default/gophernicus I like to disable headers, footers
       and the status page hidden at /server-status with the -nt -nh -nf
       flags, like so:
       OPTIONS="-o UTF-8 -nt -nh -nf -T 7070"
       Part of my reasoning is aesthetic. I don't need to show extra crud
       on gopher. Part of my reason is security. Not knowing which server
       I'm running may make attacks on it more difficult. Not seeing IP
       addresses of users engaged with my system helps them stay
       anonymous (server-status related). And part of my reasoning is so
       I don't accidentally trip up aggregators.
       When you upgrade gophernicus and that version in the footer
       changes, every aggregator out there suddenly thinks you made an
       update to your phlog. This happens routinely on SDF and suddenly
       every SDF member tracked on my moku-pona [0] sorts to the top of
       the list. Today that happened for our tilde.town users.
       Is it a big deal? Oh definitely not. Am I recommending others
       running gophernicus use those switches? It's totally up to them
       and I won't harp on the issue. I just want people to be aware that
       it's a thing. I suspect many would choose to add the flags if they
       knew about the situation, but I won't hold it against you if you
       disagree, or simply don't care. Gopher is whatever the hell you
       want to make it.
 (DIR) Phlog Roll
       - - - - - - - - - 
       Speaking of gopher being whatever the hell you want to make it,
       I was surprised to see Ze Libertine Gamer post recently that he
       may be deleting his phlog [1]. That's a real shock, to be honest.
       He's got some great content that goes back years. I wonder what
       sort of things might lead someone to deleting a phlog but not the
       entire gopher hole and I'm at a loss. I won't speculate here, but
       I will say to ZLG, I really hope you keep it around, even if you
       don't update very often. You've got some useful information you've
       shared and have been a big part of the community. I'd certainly
       miss your contributions.
 (TXT) ZLG - 2019-04-10
       - - - - - - - - - 
       To zcrayfish:
       I agree. WebP does indeed suck. [2] Stop trying to make "fetch"
       a thing, Google. Their sleasy method of inserting "switch to
       modern image formats" into website performance checkers is dirty
       and unwelcome. I don't like blackhat UI and I don't appreciate
       their "disruptions".
 (DIR) zcrayfish - WebP Sucks
       - - - - - - - - - 
       Thanks to all of you who answered my silly three questions. I got
       a lot of great movies to add to the playlist and I've been jamming
       to your songs all week.
       Keep gopherin' everyone!