       net news on tilde.black
       April 26th, 2019
       What a great day for net news! Not only is cosmic.voyage,
       tilde.team, and news.tildeverse.org (yourtilde.com) peering, but
       now tilde.black has been added as well. Tilde Black is my tilde
       dedicated to discussions, research and expirementation on the
       topics of privacy, anonymity and and security. It's an openbsd
       machine, which brought with it a new set of challenges. 
       Here's a quick note on special sauce needed for openbsd:
       - clone from source as there's no package
       - make sure to install a bunch of perl dependencies listed in the
         INSTALL file. It makes heavy use of these during make
       - use gmake not make if you can
       - configure --without-openssl is a must. The specific requirements
         for TLS don't play nice with libssl
       - once you make install the paths will not be /etc/news and
         /var/lib/news but rather /usr/local/news/etc and
         /usr/local/news/db respectively.
       - innd won't start automatically. You'll need to change to the
         "news" user and run /usr/local/news/bin/rc.news start.
         I installed sudo to do it since my news user is non-login.
       - /usr/local/news/bin is also the path to ctlinnd, which you need
         to install groups and restart the innd process.
       Otherwise the setup was pretty much the same as in my previous
       post. Very cool.