       Making VF-1 Sexy
       August 06th, 2019
       VF-1 is fast, but it's also pretty basic. It doesn't (yet) do
       pretty colors by types or anything sweet like that. Many of you
       are probably fine with that. "Colors are useless" people... I 
       hear you, but I don't agree.
       In fact, even if the colors aren't structured, I still want them!
       I've been piping my VF-1 output through lolcat for a few months.
       It's brilliant, but was incomplete.
       Not to mention any names, but some of you don't wrap your text. I
       try not to be picky about whether wrapping happens at 80cols or at
       67cols, but when a gopher doesn't wrap at all it makes it very
       hard to read. I'll be honest, I usually just skim those posts as a
       "Why," I ask myself, "don't they just run it through fold(1)?"
       "Duh," I answer myself, "they don't want to or don't care."
       "But self, it would make my reading more convenient!"
       "Come'on, tomasino. What part of _don't care_ did you not get?"
       "I suppose you have a point. You're pretty smart."
       "Damn right..."
       "Oh crap--"
       "Why don't you solve it on the client end?"
       And I sigh and say, "Of course. VF-1 lets me lolcat. Why not fold
       as well? It should be simple."
       If you don't care about lolcat and only want to fold output
       automatically in VF-1, here's what you do. Add the following line
       to your ~/.vf1rc:
         $ cat ~/.vf1rc
         handler text/plain fold -sw 80 %s
       If you want to lolcat it too, like me, then you need to do a
       little bit more. I'm not sure what method VF-1 uses internally to
       parse the handlers, but it chokes hard on pipes. So, I wrote a very,
       very basic shell script to do it for me.
         $ cat ~/bin/goph
         fold -sw 80 "$FIN" | lolcat -f
       Put that in your PATH and now you can pipe anything you want to
       'goph' and have it be pretty. It'll also take a file input. Then,
       in your ~/.vf1rc, you can add:
         $ cat ~/.vf1rc
         handler text/plain goph %s
       Let there be color, and pretty wrapping. Enjoy.