       compassion is important
       September 18th, 2019
       I started this phost intending to say something about RMS [0] and
       the various responses I see coming out on the web and in
 (HTM) [0] Richard Stallman and the Fall of the Clueless Nerd
       The thing is, nobody really cares about "yet another opinion".
       It's just another example of how comments are useless [1].
 (HTM) [1] "Comments" on Labs blog
       Instead I think I'll say something about compassion.
       Right now people are suffering. Richard Stallman is watching in
       shock, outrage, and yes, in pain, as the world he built around
       himself falls apart. He is suffering.
       Also, the dozens of individuals he has interacted with over the
       years who have been the targets of his well-meaning pedantry, of
       his priviliged musings, and of his "hot takes", are feeling the
       painful effects of those encounters. They feel demeaned,
       less-than, or ignored. They feel injured, helpless, outraged, and
       yes, in pain. They are suffering.
       Epstein's victims have suffered horrendously and suffer still as
       the government closes their options for compensation in the wake
       of his suicide.
       In short, there's a whole lot of pain going around and we'd all be
       a little bit better people if we took a moment to consider it
       before we launch into our next diatribe. That's not to say you
       should shut up. Just try not to forget there's humans on the other
       side of your outrage.