       Star Trek Discovery
       November 26th, 2020
       Holy shit, this show is the worst. It's physically painful for me.
       I was thinking about doing a systematic take-down laying out all
       the failings in a logical way and truly sticking it to the
       writers, but who has the energy for all that. Instead, here's
       a rambling whine of why I think this is officially the worst trek
       that has ever been.
       First and foremost, Star Trek has always been an ensemble story*.
       Discovery is a major departure for that and tries to lie to itself
       that it's not. But James, what about the shaved-head pilot girl,
       and the red-head, and the squid-faced guy, and the mushroom drive
       guy and his husband the doctor? Fine. Name them. Seriously. What
       is anyone's name on this damn show? Don't know, don't care. Nobody
       gets more than half an episode of back-story except our darling.
       Michael Burnham is the main character. She is, quite frankly,
       a Mary Sue of the worst variety. Not only is every problem faced
       by the universe something that she needs to fix personally, but
       she will mutiny and disobey direct orders to do so only to be
       forgiven time and time again because "she had no choice."
       Bullshit. Utter crap. This character is relentlessly self-absorbed
       and pig-headed. She acts recklessly and has gotten her own best
       friend and captain killed in the process but learned nothing from
       it. The worst of it is that she as this false modesty. "We'll do
       it as a team," she says to the crew of nameless people after she
       just went off solo and spoke for the whole federation without
       consulting anyone on shit.
       And what is with that? Everything Discovery does is saving the
       entire universe or starting or ending galactic wars, the end of
       all life, or some massive thing like that. The show starts out
       with the Klingon wars which they either started or ended or both,
       I can't keep it straight. Next up they're destroying empires in
       the mirror universe and then I guess they ran out of history to
       mess with so they've jumped forward in time so the Federation is
       failing again so they can save it anew. This is a bad fanfiction
       where everything needs to be the 100% most dramatic bullshit at
       any moment. Why is one ship that nobody has ever heard of or
       mentioned at all at the heart of every fucking event in history?
       Why even mention the ship, how about we just mention Michael
       Burnham, who has saved everything countless times and deserves
       a whole planet to be carved into a statue of her. Except she is
       also so meaningless that nobody ever mentioned that Spock had
       a sister and she was human and did all this stuff. Yeah. that's
       right. Spock's sister. Cause fanfic.
       Okay, okay, so the plots are dumb and the characters illogical,
       non-trek in style, and flat. But at least it's well constructed,
       right? Well... sorta, except how the big bad Klingon lady in the
       first season had such a shitty mask on she couldn't speak clearly
       through it and everything came out muffled. Or there's the lens
       flares on everything as if JJ Abrams didn't get his ass chewed out
       over that a decade ago. Or silly things like having the saucer
       section spin. Why does it do that? What purpose does that possibly
       serve? And why does the ship flip upside down when it travels on
       the mushroom super-highway.
       Riiiiight, did I not mention the mushroom super-highway before?
       That's the show's mcguffin right there. It can go anywhere
       instantly. Nice, right? Except maybe that was a little too
       powerful so we'll spend the next 3 seasons hamstringing it and
       trying to backpedal. 
       There's just so much stupid shit I can keep going forever. In
       tonight's episode, for instance, the captain decided that after
       Michael Burnham's 53rd disobeying of orders he should probably not
       make her his first officer anymore. So who should replace her? Oh,
       what about the plucky comic relief ensign? She's literally the
       lowest ranked person on the entire fucking ship. Let's make her #2
       in charge, mmmkay? But she's obviously not cut out for it and is
       gonna sweat over the decision. I know, we'll have everyone chime
       in and tell her to say yes to the dress and it'll be this epic
       moment of solidarity. *VOMIT*
       And that brings me to my last point. Last not because it's the
       last thing wrong with the show but because I'm too bored of
       talking about this waste of time to continue. "The Epic Moment"
       That's what this show tries to be. The Epic Moment, again and
       again and again. Why? Cause that's what fanfic does. Jump from
       amazing thing to amazing thing, let your Mary Sue save the day and
       have Epic Moments. Monologue, YES. Threaten and then do some
       badass fighty shit and win. Don't worry that your ship is
       literally 1000 years old and a little kid's toy bike could take
       out your star ship now, you've got moxie. And the Epic Moments
       won't just be action and adventure, but heartfelt too. How do we
       know? Well, everyone will whisper and tear up! Yes, even the
       Mirror Universe queen of evil shit will have a soft spot for
       Michael Burnham's ass because Mary Sue!
       In all of this, in every single moment, nothing is earned. Michael
       will get 1 episode to journey into the future and adventure
       wondering where the Discovery is. The very start of episode 2 she
       finds the ship and has a tearful reunion about how she's been
       searching for them for a whole year. You can tell cause her hair
       got longer. We saw none of it, felt none of it, and so the payoff
       is flat. It's the same when we say a tearful goodbye to bridge
       crew member #7 who I never learned the name of, but had a funny
       mouth guard. It's all meaningless drivel without actual emotional
       depth because they never invested in anyone or anything. We were
       too busy jumping through mushrooms to the next moment of awesome.
       Nate Cull on Mastodon had this to add:
         I really feel that kids today (by which I mean most movie and TV
         sci-fi writers) just have zero experience of working in
         a competent functioning team and so they can't write stories in
         a setting that requires there be a competent functioning team.
         It's all gotta be "BUT MY PROBLEMS COME FIRST" and having loud
         temper tantrums while trying to, eg, run an actual ship which
         will explode if anyone pushes the wrong button at any moment on
         their shift.
         I wonder if this is partly because having a career in movies or
         TV writing is something that only spoiled rich kids can afford
         to do nowadays, and so they literally can't comprehend what it's
         like to not always be the most important person in the room. Or
         is it just a deliberate dumbing down of writing to try to
         capture a young mass audience who have mostly never experienced
         working in even, say, a factory, let alone a military?
         But I mean if you even ran a McDonalds like the Federation runs
         the Starship Discovery, yikes.
       I couldn't agree more.
       This show is just terrible writing. It's an embarrassment to the
       Star Trek franchise. It undermines what it stands for and weakens
       canon with nonsense. The best I can hope for is that the last act
       of the dying crew will be to erase themselves from history so we
       can all ignore this shit and get back to our lives.
       * I acknowledge that Picard is not an ensemble story, but it is
       not pretending to be one. It's literally named for the one guy.
       I am okay with this. They could have made the entire show about
       him growing grapes on his vineyard and I'd have sat through it to
       see Patrick Stewart act.