       swimming thoughts
       May 25th, 2021
       I had a good time swimming this afternoon. I got into a good
       headspace for the first time in months and was able to just go and
       not pay attention to lap count or even time. That's a great
       feeling because I can push myself further and my brain starts to
       crave going more. It's the cycle of action and activity that
       usually helps anchor me in overall healthier habits.
       Last year I had a really good run until we started hitting
       lockdowns and the pools closed. That killed my momentum and set me
       back. Summer is here, though, and the mixture of the vitamin D and
       physical activity is doing wonders. Soon I'll get back into hiking
       in the evenings as well. (I usually swim in the morning.)
       One of my favorite things to do while swimming is let my mind
       wander on writing projects or role playing games. I'm running one
       Pathfinder game that was the focus of today's mind wanderings.
       I think I came up with two good hooks for the next session and
       some excellent flavor. I'll leverage what I came up with today to
       build up some scene prompts that I can toss in my box-o-tricks.
       I don't want to railroad this group but instead encourage them to
       have full power of choice to impact the world around them as they
       see fit. It's a boring game to just say, "You're in a town, what
       do you do?" however. I'll have two major hooks to draw them in
       certain directions as motivation and then a collection of
       narrative encounters and challenges I can mix and match to
       sprinkle throughout. It'll be glorious.
       I can't wait to get back underwater tomorrow and continue thinking
       on it.