       computer science
       February 02nd, 2022
       I came across one of those lists of free computer science classes
       curated in a github gist or some other such place. I knocked it
       around in my tabs for a couple hours and let my mind go back to my
       own CS education.
       I started at Rowan University in 1998 in the Computer Science
       department following the coattails of a friend from Boy Scouts who
       had been doing well for a year already. In high school I didn't
       really have any direction at all or idea of what I wanted to do.
       Computers happened to be a thing I was familiar with, spent a bit
       of time on, and it appeared likely to have a future that paid
       well. My dad's only restriction on my choice was, "No art."
       He had gone to Kent State and studied in the Visual Communications
       department there and was unable to turn that into a career. He
       instead took the long way through a retail job and eventually into
       sales. Because of his experience he hoped to save me the trouble.
       The thing is, had he not had that restriction I likely would have
       gone into some form of art education. It was the course track
       I enjoyed most in school, continuously excelled in, and got me
       motivated. But, in the long run the joke is on both of us. As I'll
       explain in a moment. But first, back to Computer Science!
       In 1998 I got my start. I had some great introduction to
       programming classes that dove right into C. I had a killer lab
       techniques practical course that taught me the ins and outs of the
       command line, jobs, rediection of outputs, and all sorts of mighty
       cool things I use every day. I also had some heavy-duty math
       classes which bored the ever-living snot out of me.
       My first semester went well. My second semester saw a marked dip
       in my grades, though. I was getting involved in stuff that was
       taking my focus away from class, and part way through that year
       I developed an extreme clinical depression and insomnia. Entering
       my sophomore years I find it difficult to relate details because
       I have some intense memory loss due to the insomnia. I basically
       accomplished nothing is school, failed everything, and was on the
       edge of academic probation when I somehow signed up to enlist in
       the US Navy. That gave me an excuse for a leave-of-asence from
       school (delaying repaying those loans!) and in a matter of weeks
       I was gone.
       All in all my computer science education is the equivalent of two
       pretty solid semesters of foundations.
       In the Navy I was a nuclear electronics technician, so I picked up
       more skills in hardware which was really cool, but didn't do much
       to further my computer expertise.
       Finally, after the Navy, I ended up returning to school and
       beginning anew at Indiana University. I transfered pretty much
       nothing from my first school as I wasn't going into a CS
       department. I think 2 of my math classes may have worked and
       that's it. But, this time around I had a Navy work ethic and also
       the a limited time payment due to my medical discharge. The Navy
       had me covered for about 3 years of school, so I went to town.
       I managed to go from nothing at all to a masters degree in those
       three years. Fun part about it? It was in this lovely new program
       that just launched called "New Media". It was, in fact, a visual
       communications degree + computers. Hah!
       So, as I'm remember all this stuff I'm also lementing how I can
       whiz through and code really well and professionally at a senior
       level in a few niche areas, but if you need skills that get past,
       say, data structures and algorithms level, I never learned it.
       Systems programming? No idea. Operating systems? Nope. Parallel
       computing? Huh?
       I'll sum it up this way: I never got to learn how to link to
       a system library. Not sure what to do to make that happen.
       I can muddle around in about 15 languages, but without that
       conceptual level to fall back on there's not a lot I can actually
       DO outside of the web.
       So yeah, I need more education. And here are all these free
       courses. My formal education was a quarter century ago, so I'm not
       going to rely on memory. I've decided to start from the beginning.
       The following is a list of courses with video lections I found
       which roughly run in linear order. I may end up shuffling one or
       two things later on, but for now I'm just watching lectures one by
       one and soaking it in. I'm pretty sure I won't need any note
       taking for the first couple of courses, but we'll see.
 (HTM) Stanford CS106A - Programming Methodology
 (HTM) Stanford CS106B - Programming Abstractions
 (HTM) Stanford CS107 - Programming Paradigms
 (HTM) Stanford CS110 - Principals of Computer Systems
 (HTM) MIT - Mathematics for Computer Science
 (HTM) Wheaton - Discrete Mathematics and Functional Programming
 (HTM) Stanford CS161 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms 1
 (HTM) Stanford CS161 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms 2
 (HTM) Stanford CS261 - A second Course in Algorithms
 (HTM) Stanford EE261 - The Fourier Transform and its Applications
 (HTM) CMU 18-447 - Introduction to Computer Architecture
 (HTM) CMU 15-418 - Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming
 (HTM) CMU 15-721 - Database Systems
 (HTM) CSE 421/521 - Introduction to Operating Systems
 (HTM) Berkeley - SICP Python
 (HTM) MIT - SICP Scheme
       The last two entrants are both courses based around SICP. There's
       the famous Scheme original from MIT, but also one in Python which
       I grok better. In April I'm picking up the Javascript SICP book
       too. Between two courses and a book in three different languages
       I hope I'll be able to muddle my way through.
       I hope I finish it all. I think it's doable. I'll keep pressing
       forward as best I can. If you read this and think about it at some
       point in the future, feel free to ping me on IRC or Mastodon
       sometime and ask how I'm doing. Who knows, I may be stalled and
       need a little nudge back on track.