       June 26th, 2022
       This is a post about my thoughts on abortion. It is personal and
       not intended to persuade. I'm writing it because I am, on
       occasion, asked about my opinion, and thought it helpful to write
       them down.
       Let this brief introduction serve as a content warning.
       * * * * *
       Let's start with the easy bits:
       There are times when an abortion is absolutely, unequivocally, and
       unambiguously the moral choice. For instance, if the fetus is
       non-viable or if the birth with result in the death of the fetus
       and parent. There is no grey area here. By performing a medical
       procedure we can help save life and reduce suffering.
       With that very basic example I thereby demonstrate that there is
       no right and ethical argument against abortion in all situations.
       The act itself cannot be considered evil for it can in some
       situations be used for good. We must look further at the situation
       and recognize that there's more to this than a black & white
       narrative. (Duh.)
       What situations affect the ethical choice for or against birth?
       There's a huge range of circumstances from family planning issues,
       to health, safety, abuse, and money. This is where I feel the
       opportunity is best to save lives and reduce suffering.
       Lets take just a few examples here:
       The teenagers who accidentally conceive -- currently face
       incredibly difficult life decisions while their own bodies and
       brains are still developing. The realities of modern America mean
       the potential for difficulties with families, poverty, lack of
       support for continued education, and lack of tooling and services
       for the child. 
       These things are addressable by our society. A world that embraces
       and supports these young people, provides the safety nets,
       childcare services, and opportunities to continue to improve
       themselves and the futures of their children would create an
       environment where the accidental pregnancy wouldn't come with such
       a sense of shock and fear. That would lead to less people seeing
       abortion as their only path.
       A family that's struggling to support the kids they have may see
       similar benefits if only social services are improved. The
       unexpected extra child is now not a fearful burden, but an
       But there are other situations that we must face as a reality.
       Rape, incest, abusive relationships. Legislating against abortions
       further punishes the victims of these crimes and causes great
       suffering. It is undeniable. Forced birthing is quite literally
       a war crime and crime against humanity, as defined in the 1998
       Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC Statute). It
       is unconscionable to force women into this situation for the sake
       of a child's life: a child which after birth is given no further
       thought. It is a false display of moralism made at the cost of
       And finally, there are people who become pregnant who just don't
       want to be. There is no quandary for them. There is no situation
       change which would put them in a position to want to have a child.
       Here is the hardest of all situations for a third party to wrap
       their head around. The life of a child vs what appears to be
       nothing. But it's never nothing, is it? We are all complex
       creatures with a lifetime of thoughts and feelings that led to who
       we are today. These experiences are intricate, complicated, and
       carry a vast depth to them. These depths are plumbed in therapy by
       millions daily, and though issues may seem mundane to those in
       passing they are whirlwinds of vital importance that make or break
       people. Our glimpse at someone's situation is not even seeing the
       iceberg above the surface, let alone below. We don't even sense
       the chill in the air. We cannot understand from our vantage, and
       thus, as hard as it may be, we cannot decide for that person.
       I want there to be fewer abortions. I want a world that makes it
       safe for children to come into being and be cared for no matter
       what the situation of the parents. I want mental health services
       to be available to everyone who needs to talk because maybe, just
       maybe, some more people will say yes to the child.
       I am pro-life. I am against abortion. And yet, I believe it is
       absolutely wrong to legislate forced-births. We make abortion
       diminish through compassion in our society, not through fascism.