       Small Internet Presentation at MCH2022
       July 29th, 2022
       I'm back home from the Netherlands and MCH2022 (May Contain
       Hackers). It was a whirlwind and quite awesome. I'm just floored
       by how much stuff a bunch of volunteers can accomplish with
       motivation and creative hacking.
       The talks were amazing and most can now be found online on the CCC
       site. There was also an epic CTF game going on the whole week (I
       helped out in some lock picking challenges). The ad-hoc villages
       created by visitors were endless fun too. What a wild ride. I hope
       you all get the chance to attend one of these hacker camps in the
       I participated in one group panel discussion on social media,
       disinformation, and fascism that was really interesting, but not
       recorded. I also gave one of the curated stage presentations which
       was recorded [0].
 (HTM) [0] Video of my Small Internet talk
       My main talk was about the small internet, and specifically about
       gopher and gemini. It covers some framing for what people mean by
       the term small internet, what services and activities fall under
       the umbrella, and a bit of sentiment and behavior information from
       the survey I shared here earlier. Then I run through a quick
       technical overview of gopher and gemini, and finish off with
       a quick nod at pubnix and tildes. The questions from the audience
       were wonderful and I hope it broadens awareness of our fun little
       spaces. If you want to see the slides from the presentation,
       they're a Nuxt app I tossed together for the purpose and can be
       found here [1]:
 (HTM) [1] Presentation Slides
       I hope I get to go to another camp in the near future. Perhaps
       next time I'll discuss contract based dependency management [2].
 (HTM) [2] CBDM Blog Post