       February 03rd, 2024
       On Feb 2, 2024 I formally renounced my US citizenship at the US
       Embassy in Reykjavik Iceland.
       It's been a while coming. In fact, I knew this was something
       I wanted to strongly consider before we left the country. I had
       rough plans for ~5 years abroad, and it happened at 4.7 years.
       Pretty accurate!
       I started the formal process back in October when I notified the
       embassy of my intentions. There were some back and forth emails
       and I eventually received an appointment date. I had to fill out
       a lot of repetitive forms, have a phone call that repeated what
       was on the forms, and finally have the in-person appointment where
       it was all repeated again.
       Once the forms and signing were done I got to stand up in front of
       a flag I was literally telling these people I don't care about and
       I got to say a formal oath of un-American-ing. Or something. It
       was very bazaar. Like, who was the oath for exactly? They didn't
       record it or anything. It was so performative.
       Speaking of performative, the consular officer I met with was
       pretty creepy, in that Stepford Wives sort of way. She had
       a really fake pleasant thing going on, and offered up small talk
       that was not really small talk. She kept asking questions, "just
       out of curiosity," which were obviously designed to probe me about
       my reasoning. Which was strange, since they literally ask about
       the reasoning.
       Why do they do that? Well, there's one very special provision in
       the middle of all the lists. It says something to the effect of,
       "If the Attorney General decides you are doing this for tax
       avoidance you can be banned from entering the US." I think the
       questions were to see if that was my reasoning.
       Thankfully, that's not my reason! My reason is that America is
       a shitbag. It was founded on racism, has been responsible for
       countless atrocities even before its founding, continues to impose
       horrible ethics upon the world at the end of a gun, and
       indoctrinates its people in a cult of self delusion. But yeah,
       getting taxed as an expat is pretty annoying too. Not that I avoid
       it, it's just annoying.
       So yeah, I'm done! It's both official and not official. It's
       official in all the ways that count outside the US. It's not
       official yet in the US as that requires them to do some absurd
       amount of paperwork or something and it'll take months. Right now
       I don't have my passport because they took it, but it technically
       is still issued and valid. So in a few months when I fly through
       the US with my Italian passport and an ESTA, I risk a border
       patrol agent deciding that's interesting enough to make my day
       horrible. I don't really have any recourse, but then again that
       could have happened for no reason at all. That's how America rolls
       for anyone with a badge. ACAB, bitches.
       Oh! It cost me $2,300 to renounce. That's a nice little extra
       bullshit on top, isn't it? Whatever. It's done. I'm free. No, not
       like in America, actually free.
       I'm an Italian citizen, though I've never lived in Italy and
       haven't spent a total of a full month in the country in my life.
       I'd like to spend more time there eventually. We've been
       discussing that in the 6-8 year timeframe it would be great to buy
       a flat in Italy to spend our winters. Wit will be out of school by
       then so it shouldn't create schedule problems. I work remotely, so
       as long as we find some place with decent internet it will be
       great. And lets face it, Iceland is amazing, but it sucks monkey
       butt in January and February.
       So yeah, I'll get around to brushing up on my Italian and we'll
       look into splitting up the year. Who knows, maybe when I'm ready
       to retire I'll like that more than Iceland (I doubt it). Then
       again, I really love it here. I have about 2 and a half more years
       before I can apply for citizenship here. That will bring my
       passport count back up to two!
       Plans, plans, plans. Sometimes they work out.