                           _ \ |  _` |  _|  -_)(_-<
       Gopher is filled with awesome content. Use the links on this page
       to explore what gopher space has to offer. There are several
       communities of gopher users included here, many of which are free
       to join if you'd like to create your own little burrow. Browse
       familiar web sites through their gopher interfaces, read some
       news, or discover lost software gems.
 (DIR) bitreich
 (DIR) Circumlunar Space
 (DIR) tilde.team
 (DIR) tilde.town
 (DIR) freaknet
 (DIR) Port 70 News
 (DIR) Gopherpedia (Wikipedia on gopher)
 (DIR) Hacker News
 (DIR) Metafilter
 (DIR) Gopher Bay
 (QRY) searx search
 (DIR) ShadowGate MUD
 (DIR) FloodFeeds (News)
 (DIR) NotFox Realtime Keyword Counts
 (DIR) Gopher Cookbook
 (DIR) GopherProject
 (DIR) Gopher Polls
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       Recipes, recipes, recipes
       Aggregator, collections, projects, communities, lots more
 (DIR) magical.fish
       Old computers, software, quirky games, writing, random stuff
 (DIR) Dusted.dk
       ASCII table archive, old software, aggregator
 (DIR) Logout's Gopherspace
       Software projects, ancient software & hardware references
 (DIR) Mateusz
       Course notes on subjects:
         Library & Information Science
         Religious Studies
         Women & Gender Studies
 (DIR) rbigelo
       Gopher related texts and utilities, code, emacs, docs
 (DIR) slugmax
       Abandon ware, fortran, gifs, Sega, text files
 (DIR) Cyber Vanguard
       Textfiles.org mirror, San Antonio weather, other files
 (DIR) ratthing.com
       Impressive collection of Catholic long-form writing
 (DIR) The Whole Christ
       Vim learning, sound sampling and sequencing via code, unix knowledge
 (DIR) heavysquare.com
       List of cognative biases, secret restaurant recipes, Carl Sagan books
 (DIR) myst32yt