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       Emergence is a speculative fiction about the birth of artificial
       intelligence. It follows the scientists and business men
       responsible for the project, and eventually the machine itself as
       computation becomes thought and thought becomes intelligence. It
       asks questions about the nature of life, our place in the universe,
       and ultimately good vs evil.
       The story thus far: (✓ complete)
 (TXT) Chapter 0 - "0" ✓
 (TXT) Chapter 1 - "One" ✓
 (TXT) Chapter 2 - "Breach ✓"
 (TXT) Chapter 3 - "Maybe" ✓
 (TXT) Chapter 4 - "Secrets"
 (TXT) Chapter 5 - "Alone"
 (TXT) Chapter 6 - "Something" ✓
 (TXT) Chapter 7 - "Nothing"
 (TXT) Chapter 8 - "Unknown"
 (TXT) Chapter 9 - "Emergence"