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       Techno Zen, Chants and Syncromysticism
       You have arrived ... whatever that means.
       This is my smolweb/smolnet front.
       To see what I'm complaining, writing or musing about, jump to the Phlog
 (DIR) Phlog
       Resident alien on SDF for about alot of years.  First signed on in the late,
       late 90's.  Finally ARPA'd here, and then MetaARPA'd when 9Front became a th
       For the most part, I don't get overly technical and topics can range from 
       computers, IT Security and off topics like Syncromysticism.  Syncromysticism
       goes way back to a bizzare writer by the name of James Shelby Downard and a
       paper called King-Kill 33, however he didn't own the concept, he just 
       popularized the idea of it in American underground culture. Currently, the g
       master of Syncs is a writer by the name of Christopher Knowles, whom I've al
       known for a while.  What does this have to computers, who knows.  Phillip K.
       Dick was a syncromystic, Neuromancer featured alot of syncromysticism. So I 
       that kind of stuff.  I live in the Southern Mountains of the US and sometime
       hijack OpenMics on SDF to cover security news.
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 (DIR) Phlogs                                         2024-Jul-21 16:17        -  
 (DIR) gem                                            2024-Jul-16 03:08        -  
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