Welcome to my gopher hole!
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       Contact me!
       Email: guofu@sdf.org
       Email: molleraj@gmail.com
       Mastodon: @guofu@mastodon.sdf.org
       SDF SIP/VoIP: x2156
       I'm keeping a phlog from simple clients.
 (DIR) Phlog
       What simple clients? Well, take a look below :-)
 (DIR) Computer Toys
       Check out my main (formerly SDF) website with CSS and pictures below:
 (HTM) My web site
       And my YouTube channel for tech vids! Good old motion pictures, y'all.
 (HTM) My YouTube channel
       I'm running a gopher hole from home too!
 (DIR) Home gopher
       Friends on SDF!
 (DIR) christyotwisty
 (DIR) agk
 (DIR) gorplop
 (DIR) jns
 (DIR) ldbeth
       Other gopherholes of note
 (DIR) verisimilitudes
 (DIR) GopherNews
       What I am listening to
 (HTM) tilderadio
 (HTM) anonradio
       This personal gopher hole brought to you by...
 (DIR) The SDF Public Access Unix System
       Last updated November 29, 2022.
                                   Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3