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       Welcome to my gopherspace!
       I have only a few things to provide. First and foremost is my
       own gopher server experiment, which serves up various news
       articles, and also provides a tool to convert any html page
       into a gopher text document, For instance:
 (TXT) SDF's gopher Tutorial
       You can view news, and give the converter a try here
       (the converter is at the bottom of the page):
 (DIR) Knusbaum's Server @ Fritterware.org
       I also write other gopher-related software. You can check
       out my gopher library and graphical gopher browser here:
 (HTM) CLIM-Gopher Graphical Browser
 (HTM) cl-gopher common-lisp gopher library
       If you have any questions or comments about any of this
       software, please feel free to email me at knusbaum@sdf.org.
       I will also publish documents here from time to time.
 (HTM) Check out my homepage
 (DIR) ..                                                                         
                                   Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3