_//       _//_//     _//    _//               _//
       _/ _//   _///_//     _// _//   _//            _//
       _// _// _ _//_//     _//_//          _//    _/_/ _/
       _//  _//  _//_////// _//_//        _//  _//   _//
       _//   _/  _//_//     _//_//       _//   _//   _//
       _//       _//_//     _// _//   _//_//   _//   _//
       _//       _//_//     _//   _////    _// _///   _//
       Dances with Gophers
       Welcome to my gopher hole. When I was living in California,
       I took the opportunity to learn how to skydive. One of the
       places I used to jump regularly was at Hollister, way
       south-east of San Jose, beyond the home of Garlic
       (apparently). That DZ had a landing area a fair way from the
       airport: a field, shared largely with gophers and a handful
       of cows.
       Landing in that field was a tricky business. It's quite easy
       to get your foot stuck in a gopher hole and faceplant upon
       contact. Sometimes you could see them running for cover as
       you came in.
       Not that I ever did, but if you were to hook turn in for a
       fast landing the way to slow down on contact is to drag one
       foot behind you, toe outstretched so your ankle doesn't have
       to do any dangerous muscle work. Like a dance, if you will.
        _                _                _        _            _
       | |__   ___  _ __(_)_______  _ __ | |_ __ _| |_ __ _   _| | ___
       | '_ \ / _ \| '__| |_  / _ \| '_ \| __/ _` | | '__| | | | |/ _ \
       | | | | (_) | |  | |/ / (_) | | | | || (_| | | |  | |_| | |  __/
       |_| |_|\___/|_|  |_/___\___/|_| |_|\__\__,_|_|_|   \__,_|_|\___|
       I fired up a new gopherhole on a spare computer at home,
       and have started putting some stuff from the past there.
       I'm hoping to grow it, and it may supercede this one, though
       if I move the phlog there I'll try to get it into the 
       gopher.club listings too. It depends, I'm not sure I want
       to loosen the SDF connection...
 (DIR) A Hole In MHCat's Dot Space
 (TXT) Captain's Phlog
       Latest entry:
       Wed Jul 26 09:49 EDT; goldblum
         I'm here. A bit lost in the mists of time at this very
         moment, but generally, here.
         I need to start writing down stuff again. It always rots
         and feels awkward and embarrassing later when I come
         across it and read it again, much like old code. I hate it
         in the way I hate other people's work, only more because I
         can't escape the implication.
         Lots of folks out there trying to escape the implication.
         But writing stuff down makes me less likely to try to hang
         onto ideas long past the time they've become stubs with
         any content lost to the wind. Writing makes thoughts
         immediately forgettable, with happy impunity.
         I've been working for the last few months, but it is doing
         to me what it did before, if a little slower. I can't see
         the horizon any more. More generally, after some note
         taking finally (see?) I have concluded that I'm working on
         the wrong problems.
         I don't want to make it easier to implement remote
         "trust", I want to make it harder. "Trust" is NOT
         transitive, never was. Trust is a human concept, and one
         which is established through relationships. Using math as
         a proxy for that makes no sense at all.
         Remote attestables, fair exchange protocols - these things
         do not solve the problem they proport to solve.
         So now I'm starting to feel excitable again, as the end of
         my contract approaches. I'm pretty checked out already. I
         think me and Dann, my friend who is one of the founders
         I'm working for right now, are in good shape to stay
         roughly the same amount of friends. I might even be able
         to continue working with him in some limited way, but not
         for the company per se.
         So August, bring it. Gonna talk to Henry (gammaspace)
         about some of the co-op stuff he's working on, and the
         Weird Ghost org he's working with. I want to do games, but
         my route to that might be through supporting indie game
         co-op studios with tooling.
         So here I am. Been on the slide for a while, and its time
         to focus back on the smolnet. I might write a bit about
         what I had hoped to realize thru this current work, even
         if it might seem silly given the obviously financial
         market it's aimed at. Nuff said, more later, when I've
         figured out what is NDA and what is not.
       Local bits:
 (DIR) Another Phlog Another Planet
 (TXT) 20230201T083244 Response to Screwtape's ChatGPT Essay
 (TXT) 20230130T164607 Five Questions Redux, Asylum Edition
 (TXT) 20230103T193635 Five Questions
 (TXT) 20221202T163240 Why the Guardian Sucks
 (TXT) 20221122T175630 James Clark is a Sainsbury
 (TXT) 20221121T070322 International Norm
 (TXT) first.txt
       I started doing Advent of Code in Common Lisp because
       screwtape is a zealot and I need to do more Common Lisp.
 (DIR) Advent of Code 2022
       I have some other stuff on the internets:
 (HTM) Jefferies Tube Network
 (TXT) Hi
       I've been learning the colemak-dhm layout and practicing
       using texts that are worth a closer reading. I'll add them
       here as I complete them.
 (TXT) Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco
       I've started working on copy-typing the Communist Manifesto,
       which I'll drop here once I'm done. Meanwhile, here's my great
 (TXT) Solomon
 (TXT) Public Key for Me
       pub   ed25519 2023-01-27 [SC] [expires: 2024-01-27]
             1FA8 98F3 8E16 ABA3 9ADC  1396 3280 3C59 1553 BEDA
       uid           [ultimate] MH Cat <mhcat@sdf.org>
       uid           [ultimate] Mental H Cat <hi@mhcat.ca>
       sub   cv25519 2023-01-27 [E] [expires: 2024-01-27]
                                   Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3