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       All files are hosted on Archive.org
       Broadcasts for 05 30
 (HTM) Philip Marlowe 50 05 30 The_Bedside_Manners
 (HTM) Harry Lime  52 05 30  Pearls of Bohemia
 (HTM) LGDI49 05 30%28142%29AMatterofDoubt
 (HTM) Calling All Cars 1934 05 30_ep027_Dinner_Party_Bandits
 (HTM) BIMB53 05 30%28167%29TheRuthShayMurderCase
 (HTM) PRGNUoftheWorldNews05 30
 (HTM) BobAndRay-1960 05 30WallyBallouFromEasthampton
 (HTM) Fibber McGee And Molly 1939 05 30 EscapedConvicts
 (HTM) Fibber McGee And Molly 1944 05 30 Old Muley Caught
 (HTM) TheGreatGildersleeve43 05 30%28084%29MemorialDayParade
 (HTM) TheGreatGildersleeve51 05 30%28410%29LeavingonVacationtoHalfMoonLake-Gildy%27sSchedule
 (HTM) Lux Radio Theatre 38-05-30 178 I Met My Love Again
 (HTM) Lux Radio Theatre 41-05-05 306 Kitty Foyle
 (HTM) Theater Royal 54-05-30 Episode 35 MyAdventureInNorfolk
 (HTM) LongJohn Nebel 1958 05 30 Bob Ewing Ambassador to Venus Part01
 (HTM) LongJohn Nebel 1958 05 30 Bob Ewing Ambassador to Venus Part02
 (HTM) Information Please 1939 05 30 Stanley_Walker
 (HTM) Information Please 1941 05 30 Cornelia_Otis_Skinner-_Jan_Struther
 (HTM) You Are There 1948 05 30 ep32 Toussaint Louverture Liberates Haiti 
 (HTM) 1940-05 30- Fulton Lewis Commentary
 (HTM) One Night Stand Freddy Martin 05 30 45
 (HTM) Molle 47 05 30 Double_Cross
 (HTM) Whistler 54 05 30 ep624_That_Cutlerville_Affair
 (HTM) The Lives Of Harry Lime-1952-05 30
 (HTM) OTE_201405 30_Universe_54_What_About_the_60s_R2
 (HTM) OTE_200205 30_24_Frames_Per_Second_4a
 (HTM) OTE_199605 30_Rocket_Show_III
 (HTM) Information Please 39 05 30 Stanley_Walker
 (HTM) Information Please 41 05 30 Cornelia_Otis_Skinner-_Jan_Struther
 (HTM) Quiz Kids 48 05 30 ep415-A_Nymph_with_a_Telescope_Looking_at_a_Comet
 (HTM) Jean Shepherd 1967 05 30 Marching Band
 (HTM) Jean Shepherd 1975 05 30 Most Boring Job
 (HTM) LongJohn Nebel 1958 05 30 Bob Ewing Ambassador to Venus Part01
 (HTM) LongJohn Nebel 1958 05 30 Bob Ewing Ambassador to Venus Part02
 (HTM) In Our Time 201305 30
 (HTM) The Lone Ranger 1945 05 30_heros_grave
 (HTM) Gunsmoke53 05 30%28058%29FallSemester
 (HTM) Challenge Of The Yukon 1946 05 30%280433%29TheMitten
 (HTM) Challenge Of The Yukon 1949 05 30%280658%29TheCaseoftheTurncoatMountie
 (HTM) YTJD1950 05 30051ThePort-au-PrinceMatter
 (HTM) YTJD1956 05 30403TheMatterofReasonableDoubt-Ep3
 (DIR) Old Time Radio Gopher Site At SDF
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       Gopherspace, you never really left. 
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