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       I am an environmental engineer with probably a few too
       many interests. Food/beverage, music (both consuming and
       creating), games (euro board games and go), and a deep love and
       respect for the natural environment. I live in the Mad River
       Valley of Vermont with my wife K (proprietor of KS Coffee), dog
       Kepler, and cat Oslo.
 (GIF) here's kepler
 (GIF) here's oslo
 (HTM) here's KS Coffee
       Unsure of what this service can provide, but am interested in 
       figuring it out.  Here is some content!
 (DIR) phlog
 (DIR) music
 (DIR) recipes
 (DIR) thing
       I play Go on a few servers.  Started with OGS (current handle:
       murdock68), but since participating with the Vermont Go Club
       I have also generated a KGS account (also @ murdock68).
 (DIR) go stuff
 (HTM) OGS profile
 (HTM) KGS via shin interface
       If you'd like to say hello, send an email to smm@sdf.org,
       or converse via xmpp at smm@jabber.sdf.org
       I am on Mastodon at @murdock@mastodon.sdf.org
 (HTM) Head back to WWW land
       last updated 2024 0223
                                   Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3