20000427.0000 spc oops, I can't really use a struct tm for a request field, as it doesn't have a field for which entry. For a hack I can use tm_hour to pass back that info temporarily. God this is turning into a large hack. 20000428.1948 spc What to do if the user requests 2000/4/3.8-6 when there are only four entries in 4/3? Or just the one? If just the one, return 404, but for a range? Redirect to a known advanced date is probably the Right Thing. Yet another thing to keep in mind. 20000831.0036 spc Had I made an unwarrented assumption? Just because I've done stuff like href="2000/3/4.2" doesn't mean I couldn't reference something like href="2000/3/4.2-7". So now, if the reference is ``onpage,'' then we can translate it to: href="#2000/3/4.2-7" Or should we? Shouldn't it be: href=#2000/3/4.2? Assuming we put in tags. But there could be overlap, say onpage is 2000/1/1-15 and inside is reference to 2000/1/13-18. There is overlap but it's not the entire item, so in that case, we shouldn't include an internal anchor link, but a full link. So, given two tumblers, we need to decide if one is inside another. Interesting problem ... It looks similar to line clipping, if you want to clip one dimentional lines. It might be prudent to calculate the Julian Day for each entry (make it fractional for the parts) so comparrisons can be done easier. .