#!/usr/bin/env lua -- *********************************************************************** -- -- Copyright 2019 by Sean Conner. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your -- option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General -- Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -- with this program. If not, see . -- -- Comments, questions and criticisms can be sent to: sean@conman.org -- -- *********************************************************************** -- luacheck: ignore 611 local syslog = require "org.conman.syslog" local signal = require "org.conman.signal" local nfl = require "org.conman.nfl" local tcp = require "org.conman.nfl.tcp" local exit = require "org.conman.const.exit" local lpeg = require "lpeg" local setugid = require "port70.setugid" math.randomseed(require("org.conman.math").seed()) require("org.conman.fsys.magic"):flags('mime') -- ************************************************************************ if #arg == 0 then io.stderr:write(string.format("usage: %s configfile\n",arg[0])) os.exit(exit.USAGE,true) end local CONF = {} do local conf,err = loadfile(arg[1],"t",CONF) if not conf then io.stderr:write(string.format("%s: %s\n",arg[1],err)) os.exit(exit.CONFIG,true) end conf() if not CONF.syslog then CONF.syslog = { ident = 'gopher' , facility = 'daemon' } else CONF.syslog.ident = CONF.syslog.ident or 'gopher' CONF.syslog.facility = CONF.syslog.facility or 'daemon' end syslog.open(CONF.syslog.ident,CONF.syslog.facility) if not CONF.network or not CONF.network.host then syslog('critical',"%s: missing or bad network configuration",arg[1]) io.stderr:write(string.format("%s: missing or bad network configuration",arg[1]),"\n") os.exit(exit.CONFIG,true) end if not CONF.network.addr then CONF.network.addr = "::" end if not CONF.network.port then CONF.network.port = 70 end if not CONF.redirect then CONF.redirect = { permanent = {} , gone = {} } else CONF.redirect.permanent = CONF.redirect.permanent or {} CONF.redirect.gone = CONF.redirect.gone or {} end package.loaded['port70.CONF'] = CONF if not CONF.handlers or #CONF.handlers == 0 then syslog('critical',"%s: at least one handler needs to be defined",arg[1]) io.stderr:write(string.format("%s: at least one handler needs to be defined",arg[1]),"\n") os.exit(exit.CONFIG,true) end local function loadmodule(info) local function notfound() return false,"Selector not found" end if not info.selector then syslog('error',"%q: missing selector field",info.module or "") io.stderr:write(string.format("%q: missing selector field",info.module or ""),"\n") info.selector = "" info.code = { handler = notfound } return end if not info.module then syslog('error',"%q: missing module field",info.selector or "") io.stderr:write(string.format("%q: missing module field",info.selector or ""),"\n") info.code = { handler = notfound } return end local okay,mod = pcall(require,info.module) if not okay then syslog('error',"%q %s",info.selector,mod) io.stderr:write(string.format("%q %s",info.selector,mod),"\n") info.code = { handler = notfound } return end if type(mod) ~= 'table' then syslog('error',"%q module %s not supported",info.selector,info.module) io.stderr:write(string.format("%q module %s not supported",info.selector,info.module),"\n") info.code = { handler = notfound } return end if not mod.handler then syslog('error',"%q missing %s.handler()",info.selector,info.module) io.stderr:write(string.format("%q missing %s.handler()",info.selector,info.module),"\n") mod.handler = notfound return end if mod.init then okay,err = mod.init(info) if not okay then syslog('error',"%q %s=%s",info.selector,info.module,err) io.stderr:write(string.format("%q %s=%s",info.selector,info.module,err),"\n") mod.handler = notfound return end end info.code = mod end table.sort(CONF.handlers,function(a,b) return #a.selector == #b.selector and a.selector < b.selector or #a.selector > #b.selector end) for i,info in ipairs(CONF.handlers) do if i < #CONF.handlers and info.selector == CONF.handlers[i+1].selector then syslog('warning',"duplicate selector %q found",info.selector) io.stderr:write(string.format("duplicate selector %q found",info.selector),"\n") end loadmodule(info) end end local mklink = require "port70.mklink" -- XXX hack -- ************************************************************************ local redirect_subst do local replace = lpeg.C(lpeg.P"$" * lpeg.R"09") * lpeg.Carg(1) / function(c,t) c = tonumber(c:sub(2,-1)) return t[c] end local char = replace + lpeg.P(1) redirect_subst = lpeg.Cs(char^1) end local function redirect(ios,selector) for _,rule in ipairs(CONF.redirect.permanent) do local match = table.pack(selector:match(rule[1])) if #match > 0 then ios:write(mklink { type = 'error', display = "Permanent redirect", selector = redirect_subst:match(rule[2],1,match) }) return true end end for _,pattern in ipairs(CONF.redirect.gone) do if selector:match(pattern) then ios:write(mklink { type = 'error', display = "Gone", selector = selector }) return true end end end -- ************************************************************************ local parserequest = lpeg.C(lpeg.R" ~"^0) * (lpeg.P"\t" * lpeg.C(lpeg.R" ~"^1))^-1 * lpeg.P(-1) + lpeg.Cc(nil) local function main(ios) local request = ios:read("*l") if not request then syslog( 'info', "remote=%s status=false request=%q bytes=%d", ios.__remote.addr, "", 0 ) ios:close() end local selector,search = parserequest:match(request) local binary = false local okay = false local found = false if selector then if redirect(ios,selector) then found = true -- but it's been moved, or it's gone else for _,info in ipairs(CONF.handlers) do if selector:sub(1,#info.selector) == info.selector then found = true local req = { selector = info.selector, rest = selector:sub(#info.selector + 1,-1), search = search, remote = ios.__remote, } okay,binary = info.code.handler(info,req,ios) break end end end else ios:write(mklink { type = 'error' , display = "Bad request" , selector = selector }) end if not found then ios:write(mklink { type = 'error' , display = "Selector not found" , selector = selector }) end if not binary then ios:write(".\r\n") end syslog( 'info', "remote=%s status=%s request=%q bytes=%d", ios.__remote.addr, tostring(okay), request, ios.__wbytes ) ios:close() end -- ************************************************************************ local okay,err = tcp.listen(CONF.network.addr,CONF.network.port,main) if not okay then io.stderr:write(string.format("%s: %s\n",arg[1],err)) syslog('error',"%s: %s",arg[1],err) os.exit(exit.OSERR,true) end if not setugid(CONF.user) then os.exit(exit.CONF,true) end signal.catch('int') signal.catch('term') syslog('info',"entering service") nfl.server_eventloop(function() return signal.caught() end) for _,info in ipairs(CONF.handlers) do if info.fini then local ok,status = pcall(info.code.fini,info) if not ok then syslog('error',"%s: %s",info.module,status) end end end os.exit(true,true) .