* * * * * “… and now, a word from our sponsor … ” I read The Space Merchants by Frederick Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth years ago and found it a bit over the top. It's the future and advertising dominates the average person's life. Everything is advertising. Even using Calgon [1] in your bath wouldn't take you away from the advertising. So shut up and drink your Pepsi. [2] A bit later (but still a few years ago) I sat down and watched Network, [3] a film about an over the top news program. In 1976 it must have seemed the top, but in the mid-90s? It's hard to top Jeraldo Rivera (although Rick Sanchez, [4] a former local talking head could give Jeraldo a run for his money) these days, and Network seems rather tame. So this comes as no surprise: > Acclaim Entertainment said yesterday that it would pay relatives of the > recently bereaved in return for placing small billboards on headstones, and > that the offer might “particularly interest poorer families.” > Via Flutterby, [5] Game publicity pan raises grave concerns [6] I'm just waiting for the day when advertising becomes mandated by law. Oh, by the way, this post brought to you by the letter “X” and by the number “13.” [1] http://www.calgon.com/ [2] http://www.pepsi.com/ [3] http://us.imdb.com/Title?0074958 [4] http://www.msnbc.com/news/592590.asp [5] http://www.flutterby.com/ [6] http://www.guardian.co.uk/computergames/story/0,11500,667942,00.html Email author at sean@conman.org .