* * * * * Maybe one day sanity will return to the airlines > Last Thursday I was flying to LA (Los Angeles) on the Midnight flight. I > went through security my usual sour stuff. I beeped, of course, and was > shuttled to the “toss-em” line. A security guy came over. I assumed the > position. I had a button up shirt on that was untucked. He reached around > while he was behind me and grabbed around my front pocket. I guess he was > going for my flashlight, but the area could have loosely been called > “crotch.” I said, “You have to ask me before you touch me or it's assault.” > > He said, “Once you cross that line, I can do whatever I want.” > > I said that wasn't true. I say that I have the option of saying no and not > flying. He said, “Are you going to let me search you, or do I just throw > you out?” > > I said, “Finish up, and then call the police please.” > > When he was finished with my shoes, he said, “Okay, you can go.” > > I said, “I'd like to see your supervisor and I'd like LVPD to come here as > well. I was assaulted by you.” > > He said, “You're free to go, there's no problem.” > > I said, “I have a problem, please send someone over.” > Via jwz's Livejournal [1], “Federal V.I.P. Penn [2]” I like Penn (of Penn and Teller [3]). He's great. And I think it's wonderful that he's willing to fight (and can afford to fight) this craziness of airline security. I think (and I think Penn thinks the same) that it's insane that he gets special treatment just because he's famous (and if I may get cynical here, that may also mean he has the resources to make this look really bad, or the financial resources to fight this in court). > I'm suing Attorney General John Ashcroft and various federal agencies, to > make them stop demanding that citizens identify themselves in order to > travel. Not only airports, but trains, buses, and cruise ships are now > imposing ID requirements. This violates several constitutional rights. Stop > showing ID whenever someone asks (or demands) it, and you will start to > discover just what your rights are. > “John Gilmore, Entrepreneur [4]” So between Penn and John Gilmore's [5] suit against the Federal goverment [6] on behalf of anonymous travel, this is slowly restoring my faith that this current lunancy (Sleeping screener forces evacuations at Sea-Tac) [7] (link via The Duff Wire [8]) will go away soon. [1] http://www.livejournal.com/talkread.bml?journal=jwz&itemid=129875 [2] http://pennandteller.com/sincity/penniphile/federalvip.html [3] http://www.pennandteller.com/ [4] http://www.toad.com/gnu/ [5] http://www.toad.com/gnu/ [6] http://cryptome.org/freetotravel.htm [7] http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/102884_seatac05ww.shtml [8] http://www.michaelduff.net/weblog.html Email author at sean@conman.org .