* * * * * The rest of Dillinger's desk is not far behind > The VKB (Virtual laser Keyboard) attaches to handhelds and projects the > image of a full-size keyboard onto the surface of the desk where the > handheld is placed, allowing the user to input text without a physical > keyboard. > Via Vidicon [1], “First Virtual Laser Keyboard Coming in a Few Months [2]” Not quite in the same league as Dillinger's desk in Tron [3], this is still quite cool (and amazingly enough, there doesn't seem to be a picture of Dillinger's desk on the Internet—wierd because it's such a cool desk). [1] http://www.livejournal.com/users/vidicon/303795.html [2] http://www.brighthand.com/article/iBiz_Releasing_Virtual_Keyboard_Soon? [3] http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084827/ Email author at sean@conman.org .