* * * * * Thirty-plus inches Way back in mid 1999, I had a job prospect up in Boston [1]—a contract job for six months or so and I figured that if I got the job, I would maintain a journal so I could keep my friends (and family) up to date. The name I came up with was, obviously enough, “The Boston Diaries.” Only I didn't get the job. But I liked the name, even though I never cared for Boston the few times I've been there (and each time was in late November—yeah, I sure picked the right season to visit Boston). And it's pictures (today is like the day after “the day after tomorrow”) [2] like these (Thirty-plus Inches of Winter Fun) [3] that make me glad I'm not living there. Thirty-plus inches. Brrrrrrrr [1] http://www.ci.boston.ma.us/ [2] http://kisrael.com/viewblog.cgi?date=2005.01.24 [3] http://www.inu.org/flower/200501/entry19.htm Email author at sean@conman.org .