* * * * * The Saltmine Chronicles When I last wrote about The Company Blog [1], I was still working on the prototype. Well, no more. The Saltmine Chronicles [2], the Company Blog, has gone live. So if you're interested in knowing which company I work (and sometimes grouse about) now you can finally confirm your suspicions and know which company I work for. Oh, I'll still call it The Company here, and I still work for Smirk with P as a fellow cow-orker, but if you're curious … My plan is to write entries there [3] on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the entries there [4] will be more about how webhosting works, how the Internet works—basically, the behind the scenes of how a webhosting company [5] works (is that enough linkage for you, Smirk? That should boost the Google Page Rank [6] of the sites a bit). And yes, don't expect to see any grousing over there about the stuff I do. That's what this site is for. [1] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2006/09/08.1 [2] http://saltmine.pickint.net/ [3] http://saltmine.pickint.net/ [4] http://saltmine.pickint.net/ [5] http://www.pickint.net/ [6] http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=34432 Email author at sean@conman.org .