* * * * * “What color are your toxins?” > Are you dealing with chronic illness, fatigue or have you have chemotherapy > or radiation treatment? > > Detox footbaths will help! > > You will witness the stunning cleansing process before your own eyes! > > This process can simply be described as “sweat” in water! > > What color are your toxins? > “BBS™ Ionic Detoxification Footbaths [1]” Man alive, what you can find out on the Intarweb these days. And these units are not cheap either! Just amazing that these people get away with such nonsense (I'm betting the detoxification footbaths work along the same principles as ear candles [2] (scroll down the page—the actual bit about ear candles is near the end). What's really funny is the disclaimer in this really itty-bitty font—the “product is not intended to treat … any medical condition … so no medical claims are made.” > Warning: Body Balance System™ is not recommended for pregnant or nursing > mothers, persons with pacemakers, implanted organs, epilepsy or open wounds > on the feet. Body Balance System™ is a product of Lifestream Medical > Corporation. The product is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical > condition but is provided for you in your own research about bioactive > frequencies and the desire to eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the > body. These devices are pending FDA approval, so no medical claims are > made. Any BBS™ devices being sold are for experimental use only as a > service to you and does NOT imply or can be construed as medical advice, > diagnosis or a SELF-HELP prescription for any individual or any specific > health condition. > “BBS™ Ionic Detoxification Footbaths [3]” Oh, why am I looking up detoxification footbaths? I'm not—it just came up in some information I was looking for and found it too amusing not to blog about it. [1] http://www.szrwhitewings.com/detox.html [2] http://www.randi.org/jr/02-02- [3] http://www.szrwhitewings.com/detox.html Email author at sean@conman.org .