* * * * * Pardon the dust The former hosting company, the one where I'm employed as a consultant (you know, the company whose servers kept [1] getting [2] hacked [3]) is currently in flux [4]. On top of that, a few months ago one of the servers died a horrible death, and that meant having to use the backup server (which does the backups) as a production server. I disabled all logins to that server, since it has unrestricted access to the other servers (well, server, and it's the other server that hosted my websites) but R said that the gambling company wanted login access to begin the process of site migration. Not wanting my sites at the mercy of such unrestricted access, I felt it prudent to find alternative hosting pretty darn quick. Like, oh … today. Smirk was kind enough to give me hosting space, and in less than five minutes I had my own virtual server to play with. Neat. It's been many hours, but all but one of my sites has been moved (The Electric King James Bible [5] is proving to be a bit difficult to move, owing to the custom Apache 1.3 module that drives it, whereas the new server is running Apache 2.0—some porting is now required). Now it's [DELETED-Miller-DELETED] DiceWars [6] time. [1] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2004/01/04.2 [2] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2004/09/13.1 [3] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2004/09/19.1 [4] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2006/10/10.1 [5] http://literature.conman.org/bible/ [6] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2006/11/09.2 Email author at sean@conman.org .