* * * * * Breaking Radio Silence Well … not that I'm actually coming to you on the meter wave of space or anything, but yes, my self-imposed exile has finally ended. What happened? After posting the small bit about car accessories [1] I found myself too aggravated to write for the next few days (although I did complain a bit on a mailing list [2]) and when I finally calmed down about that a few days later, the work involved in getting caught up just overwhelmed me. And then that was followed by a few more days of aggravation, followed by a few more days of an ever-growing backlog of possible posts, followed by a day or so of aggravation, by a few more days of an ever-growing backlog of possible posts, followed by … Scrap all that and just start back up. [1] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2008/02/27.1 [2] http://spc.hates-software.com/2008/02/28/b3d91b83.html Email author at sean@conman.org .