* * * * * Even more brief notes about a store Again, I got up at some ungodly hour of the morning where we all proceeded to Perkins [1] for breakfast, followed by a trip to the Lego Store [2]. [And yes, that velociraptor is made out of Lego bricks] [3] Unfortunately, I did not get any shots inside the store, as I was too busy drooling over all the sets for sale (I was particularly drooling over the Emerald Night Train set [4]), and marvelling at a camera/video display they had set up. You could hold up a box of a kit to the camera, and on the video display, you could see yourself holding up the box, but the system would then add a 3D rendering of the kit on the box you were holding. And as you rotated the box around, the the 3D rendering would rotate with the box (and a few kits were even animated, like the Emerald Night Train). Wow. A few hours there, then we all started the drive back from Orlando. [1] http://www.perkinsrestaurants.com/ [2] http://stores.lego.com/en-us/Orlando/LandingPage.aspx [3] gopher://gopher.conman.org/IPhlog:2010/03/14/legostore.jpg [4] http://shop.lego.com/ByTheme/Product.aspx?p=10194&cn=233 Email author at sean@conman.org .