* * * * * The Flowers and Fruit Basket Request Form Form > A certain HR (Human Resources) manager, hired from DEC, arrived with a > binder full of “memo templates” to be used for all intra-office > communication. She loved memos so much that people were soon just calling > her “Memos.” When she sent out a memo instructing everyone on the proper > care of their office plants, Mereztky decided enough was enough. He and a > few co-conspirators surreptitiously replaced the original memo in > everyone’s in-box with another, which said that the company was now > offering a service to take care of employees’ house plants; it seemed there > was concern in management that, what with the long hours everyone was > working, said plants were being neglected. An included multi-page > questionnaire asked for the location of each plant as well as such > essential information as the song it preferred to have sung to it while > being watered. Some people took it seriously, mostly — and much to the > Meretzky and company’s delight — the poor humorless souls in business > marketing and the other more buttoned-down wings of the company. HR rushed > around to put a cover sheet on each memo saying it was not to be taken > seriously, whereupon Meretzky and company added a cover sheet of their own > saying the cover sheet saying not to take the memo seriously should itself > not be taken seriously. “Immense confusion” followed. > > Not learning her lesson, Memos was soon distributing a “Flowers and Fruit > Basket Request Form,” for sending out condolences to employees’ families > who were experiencing a bereavement. Meretzky did her one better, creating > a “Flowers and Fruit Basket Request Form Form”; the idea would later show > up in Stationfall as the “Request for Stellar Patrol Issue Regulations > Black Form Binders Request Form Form.” > “» Down From the Top The Digital Antiquarian [1]” Given some of the past memos [2] I've received from HR at The Ft. Lauderdale Office of The Corporation, the idea of sending out satirical fake memos is appealing, but I like the paychecks that they send me to actually do anything like this. Pity, because it sounds like fun! [1] http://www.filfre.net/2014/04/down-from-the-top/ [2] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2015/10/27.1 Email author at sean@conman.org .