* * * * * There and back again We are home. We missed my ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) by one minute—had a driver not cut in front of us and slowed down to 40mph (miles per hour) on I-95 just as we were approaching our final exit, we would have arrived home at 10:20 pm instead of 10:21 pm. Stupid slow driver! Other than that, it was an uneventful 12 hour drive, give or take a few minutes. Anyway, a picture of the former house at 279 Probart Street [1] as of yesterday: [Alas, poor 279 Probart Street! We hardly knew you.] [2] I do say, it's largely gone. And thus ends our yearly adventure in Brevard [3]. (As a side note—man is it nice to get back to a real keyboard again.) [1] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2019/06/10.1 [2] gopher://gopher.conman.org/IPhlog:2019/06/17/Ex-house.jpg [3] https://www.cityofbrevard.com/ Email author at sean@conman.org .