Welcome to Conman Laboratories
       NOTE: RFC-1436 says this about selectors:
               ... an OPAQUE selector string ...  The selector string should
               MEAN NOTHING to the client software; it should never be
               modified by the client.
       (emphasis added)
       The selectors on this server *ARE OPAQUE* and *MUST* be sent *AS IS*
       to the server.  Please note that the selectors here rarely start with
       a '/' character.  Particularly, phlog entries start with a selector
       of "Phlog:"---note the lack of '/' and the ending ':'.
       Thank you.
         -- The Management
 (TXT) About the server
 (TXT) About the author
 (DIR) Gopher Server Source Code
 (DIR) Gopher Server Extensions Source Code
 (DIR) Boston source code
 (DIR) CGILib source code
 (DIR) Previous gopher server source code
 (TXT) Latest Phlog Post
 (DIR) The Boston Diaries Phlog Feed
 (DIR) The Boston Diaries Phlog Archive
 (DIR) The Electric King James Bible
 (DIR) The Quick and Dirty B-Movie Plot Generator
 (DIR) The BlackHole Gopher Torture Test
 (TXT) Ask the Magic 8-Ball a yes/no question
 (DIR) Other Gopher Servers
 (DIR) Phlog aggregator
 (DIR) Another Phlog aggregator
 (DIR) Lobste.rs mirror
 (DIR) jstg gopher
 (DIR) phlogs
 (DIR) some stuff
       Wisdom of the day:
       That's some beautiful fucking line noise.  Care to tell me what it is?
                       -- n0pants
 (TXT) robots.txt-because we can