(DIR) 1999/12/04
 (TXT) Sailing the Corporate Seas
 (DIR) 1999/12/05
 (TXT) “How much for just the student?”
 (DIR) 1999/12/06
 (TXT) It's just a question of focus
 (TXT) SimplyPorn
 (DIR) 1999/12/07
 (TXT) A Real Conspiracy?
 (TXT) A sound legacy
 (DIR) 1999/12/08
 (TXT) Fastest Proprietary 80x86 Based Operating System
 (TXT) Exclusion
 (DIR) 1999/12/09
 (TXT) “The politics are so fierce precisely because the stakes are so low.”
 (TXT) Surreal upgrades
 (TXT) I'd hate to think what it would do on a corrupted system.
 (TXT) Inbloodysane
 (DIR) 1999/12/10
 (TXT) A License to License
 (TXT) Hypertext, weblogs and journals
 (TXT) “I can crack this! Or rather, fix it!”
 (TXT) Convolution
 (TXT) “Do not fold, spindle or multilate …”
 (TXT) The other WEB
 (DIR) 1999/12/11
 (TXT) Mapping the Corporate Sea
 (TXT) Reorg
 (TXT) Shut up, Mark
 (TXT) 2b|~2b
 (DIR) 1999/12/12
 (TXT) First the Headless Horseman …
 (TXT) And then a long digression about hypertext
 (TXT) Picture Perfect Biererzählungen … almost
 (TXT) Time Dialation
 (DIR) 1999/12/13
 (TXT) Never anger a kangaroo
 (TXT) “Speak softly and carry a big LOSAT.”
 (TXT) Condemned
 (TXT) I can't believe I'm excited about <tt>dd</tt>.
 (TXT) I can't believe I'm still going on about V2_OS …
 (DIR) 1999/12/14
 (TXT) @%$@#@$^@$@#$@#!%
 (DIR) 1999/12/15
 (TXT) D'oh!
 (TXT) Avast ye swabs …
 (TXT) I'm leaving on a jet plane …
 (TXT) Closure