(DIR) 2000/03/02
 (TXT) “Hi I'm stupid and I want to prove it to the world.”
 (DIR) 2000/03/03
 (TXT) A Separation of User Interface and Processing
 (TXT) This is significant, but I don't know why …
 (TXT) I never noticed this before …
 (TXT) PHP Woes
 (DIR) 2000/03/04
 (TXT) Why work?
 (TXT) Obnoxico, Inc.
 (DIR) 2000/03/05
 (TXT) mia culpa
 (DIR) 2000/03/07
 (TXT) TCP/IP over SMTP … RFC?
 (TXT) LASER Tag and an end of alphabet soup
 (DIR) 2000/03/09
 (TXT) Hacked, and hacked again
 (TXT) “Never make things simple when you can make them complicated.”
 (DIR) 2000/03/13
 (TXT) Tumbling through Code
 (TXT) “Feng shui, baby. Feng shui,” said the gratefully dead paper millionaire
 (DIR) 2000/03/14
 (TXT) Nerd Trivia
 (DIR) 2000/03/16
 (TXT) My Dinner With Chuck
 (TXT) Gratefully Dead, and loving it.
 (TXT) The Whirling Dervish and the Souless Man
 (TXT) “I'm with the band.”
 (DIR) 2000/03/17
 (TXT) Got your towel?
 (DIR) 2000/03/20
 (TXT) The MEGA hardware store
 (TXT) “Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana.”
 (TXT) Cool! How'd I do that?
 (DIR) 2000/03/21
 (TXT) Woo hoo! Books!
 (TXT) Shoot first, then ask.
 (DIR) 2000/03/22
 (TXT) Searching for the unsearchable
 (TXT) If you think <tt>sendmail.cf</tt> is bad …
 (DIR) 2000/03/24
 (TXT) Service with a snarl
 (DIR) 2000/03/30
 (TXT) Beekeeping in New Zealand
 (TXT) No longer a deadhead
 (DIR) 2000/03/31
 (TXT) Bitch session
 (TXT) Investment in the future