(DIR) 2002/10/07
 (TXT) Lessons learned
 (TXT) A small karmic payback
 (DIR) 2002/10/09
 (TXT) The Leap
 (TXT) The $95,000 check
 (TXT) random thoughts
 (TXT) Good Humor
 (TXT) Near Death Experience (or at least getting somewhat hurt)
 (DIR) 2002/10/10
 (TXT) Not bad for $56 …
 (DIR) 2002/10/11
 (TXT) An overheard conversation between system administrators whilst at lunch in a local bar and grill …
 (TXT) A question of power
 (DIR) 2002/10/13
 (TXT) The Usual Suspects
 (DIR) 2002/10/14
 (TXT) The Universal Sense of Humor
 (TXT) It bites tadpole of the wax
 (DIR) 2002/10/15
 (TXT) “An Era has ended. The wise have moved on.”
 (DIR) 2002/10/18
 (TXT) MSN nearly killed my Linux box
 (DIR) 2002/10/21
 (TXT) Long dull posting about site construction, reconstruction, reformatting, XML, XSL, XPath and other alphabet soup
 (TXT) Jumping off a bridge, since everyone else is doing it
 (DIR) 2002/10/29
 (TXT) Names
 (TXT) Names
 (TXT) Naming names
 (TXT) Mispelled names
 (TXT) Finding names
 (DIR) 2002/10/30
 (TXT) About the lack of comments around here
 (TXT) Devil's Night
 (DIR) 2002/10/31
 (TXT) Bwomp-chicka-bwomp-bwomp
 (TXT) Breaking names