(DIR) 2003/04/01
 (TXT) So, how does this work again?
 (TXT) Homework
 (DIR) 2003/04/02
 (TXT) The Stupid Network
 (TXT) Homework II
 (DIR) 2003/04/07
 (TXT) The continued use of cursive writing
 (DIR) 2003/04/12
 (TXT) I think I figured out how this works
 (DIR) 2003/04/13
 (TXT) Beware the Ides of April
 (DIR) 2003/04/15
 (TXT) Ides of April
 (TXT) Perfection, thou art the retrofitted Enterprise NCC-1701
 (TXT) Honda Cog
 (DIR) 2003/04/16
 (TXT) Hurt
 (TXT) Doing things the easy way
 (DIR) 2003/04/17
 (TXT) Network anomalies at the Facility in the Middle of Nowhere
 (DIR) 2003/04/18
 (TXT) “There's oil in them thar' garbage … ”
 (TXT) Headless peeps
 (DIR) 2003/04/19
 (TXT) Network anomalies solved
 (DIR) 2003/04/21
 (TXT) It is, after all, a Monday
 (DIR) 2003/04/22
 (TXT) Artistic endeavors
 (DIR) 2003/04/23
 (TXT) Parenting in this modern age
 (DIR) 2003/04/25
 (TXT) Photo Friday: Shadow
 (TXT) It certainly was a Photo Friday
 (DIR) 2003/04/26
 (TXT) My Quiet Place
 (DIR) 2003/04/28
 (TXT) Learning Disabilities
 (DIR) 2003/04/29
 (TXT) Google Grumbling