(DIR) 2004/04/01
 (TXT) A Round Toit.
 (DIR) 2004/04/02
 (TXT) Finally got my round to it
 (DIR) 2004/04/05
 (TXT) Cerebus is dead
 (TXT) Photography of heavenly bodies
 (DIR) 2004/04/06
 (TXT) The art of filmmaking
 (TXT) Large scale engineering in the computer world
 (DIR) 2004/04/08
 (TXT) It works, but mysteriously crashes after a day or so …
 (TXT) An unexpected visit
 (DIR) 2004/04/09
 (TXT) An anonymous text message I received on my cell phone on a Friday evening at 9:31pm
 (DIR) 2004/04/11
 (TXT) Is there something going on today?
 (DIR) 2004/04/13
 (TXT) Obligatory Cat Pictures on a blog
 (DIR) 2004/04/15
 (TXT) Beware the Ides of April
 (TXT) Vacation
 (DIR) 2004/04/16
 (TXT) Kill Bill
 (DIR) 2004/04/29
 (TXT) Alive and well on Ganymede
 (DIR) 2004/04/30
 (TXT) The death of one and a hundred zeros