(DIR) 2004/06/01
 (TXT) Diebold: giving you the best government for your money
 (DIR) 2004/06/03
 (TXT) Still more lack of time management
 (TXT) Some anti-spam ideas
 (DIR) 2004/06/04
 (TXT) The Prisoner of Azkaban
 (DIR) 2004/06/05
 (TXT) The Scrawniest Li'l Abner you'll ever see …
 (DIR) 2004/06/06
 (TXT) Not in a movie mood
 (DIR) 2004/06/08
 (TXT) Who now owns the Facility in the Middle of Nowhere?
 (DIR) 2004/06/09
 (TXT) Somebody forgot their towel …
 (TXT) Programs from the past
 (DIR) 2004/06/10
 (TXT) I'm interrupting your coup d'etat for my coup d'etat
 (DIR) 2004/06/11
 (TXT) He may look like Death, but he's not really Death
 (DIR) 2004/06/12
 (TXT) The Lord's Prayer throughout history
 (DIR) 2004/06/16
 (TXT) … but it's a moaning heat …
 (TXT) Major Time Sink
 (TXT) Garfield a commercial, not artistic, success
 (DIR) 2004/06/18
 (TXT) Getting with the repair culture
 (TXT) The greylist approach to spam
 (DIR) 2004/06/20
 (TXT) The patent is truely over …
 (DIR) 2004/06/22
 (TXT) Guess the Dictator!
 (DIR) 2004/06/23
 (TXT) Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
 (TXT) Now that's a low interest rate!
 (DIR) 2004/06/24
 (TXT) The history of Mary Jane
 (DIR) 2004/06/25
 (TXT) I can't believe I read the whole thing
 (TXT) “Enuma elish” this ain't …
 (DIR) 2004/06/26
 (TXT) Chess influence
 (DIR) 2004/06/28
 (TXT) Sokoban
 (DIR) 2004/06/29
 (TXT) Riding it out
 (TXT) Back to the Cheese Shop
 (DIR) 2004/06/30
 (TXT) I just won the Jury Lottery