(DIR) 2005/08/01
 (TXT) I think I'm turning into jwz
 (DIR) 2005/08/03
 (TXT) My life as a Chinese Fortune Cookie
 (DIR) 2005/08/05
 (TXT) Lost opportunities
 (DIR) 2005/08/08
 (TXT) The Hunt for 928
 (TXT) It's about time!
 (TXT) Nice try, but that's an abandoned site
 (DIR) 2005/08/09
 (TXT) Why do people insist on using PHP? Why?
 (TXT) Perspective
 (DIR) 2005/08/10
 (TXT) Clickity click
 (DIR) 2005/08/11
 (TXT) Random quote spewed forth from my computer
 (TXT) Oh, so they were used after all
 (DIR) 2005/08/12
 (TXT) Scenes from a fast food drivethough
 (TXT) The server platform that can not run unattended
 (DIR) 2005/08/16
 (TXT) Apples to Oranges
 (DIR) 2005/08/18
 (TXT) Just here to remind me
 (DIR) 2005/08/25
 (TXT) Punks from middle Asia
 (DIR) 2005/08/26
 (TXT) I had a decent title for this when I thought of making the post, but I've lost the thought since then …
 (TXT) Google is acting like a female dog, and I don't mean that in a good way either
 (TXT) Quiet time
 (TXT) A little bit about a little Mac
 (DIR) 2005/08/29
 (TXT) Thankful for satellite backed weather prediction
 (TXT) The mid-Atlantic running out of steam? I can only hope …
 (TXT) Hmmmmmmmm …
 (DIR) 2005/08/30
 (TXT) But I gotta wonder at the overdue fees …
 (TXT) Notes on a phone conversation as the dark clouds roll in
 (DIR) 2005/08/31
 (TXT) A fiendish plot