(DIR) 2006/05/01
 (TXT) Oh, so that WAS the problem
 (TXT) “I promise—THIS is a webkiller!”
 (TXT) The Google Conspriacy A-go-go (for lack of a better title)
 (TXT) One of the few bands that I'll bother to see in concert
 (DIR) 2006/05/02
 (TXT) Silver change II
 (TXT) Another one for the Cracker Files …
 (DIR) 2006/05/03
 (TXT) Styling feeds III
 (TXT) Gives a whole new meaning to the term “war driving”
 (DIR) 2006/05/04
 (TXT) And of course, it was related to spam
 (TXT) Less bogarts this time
 (DIR) 2006/05/05
 (TXT) It's the fifth of something …
 (DIR) 2006/05/06
 (TXT) Pings from a Plane
 (DIR) 2006/05/07
 (TXT) Stiff, sore, sick.
 (DIR) 2006/05/08
 (TXT) Nothing like a Monday to start off the week
 (DIR) 2006/05/09
 (TXT) Notes about a cold call received on a tech support line
 (TXT) Can't I just sleep until next week?
 (DIR) 2006/05/10
 (TXT) I think Nigeria has run out of money—a rash of dying government officials leaving millions to be siphoned off from banks will do that to a country.
 (TXT) Although, with people like these, maybe Nigeria isn't running out of money
 (DIR) 2006/05/11
 (TXT) “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.”
 (TXT) Methinks they missed the point
 (TXT) I have it good.
 (TXT) Now, about that cell phone …
 (DIR) 2006/05/12
 (TXT) Calm
 (DIR) 2006/05/13
 (TXT) When the far right and far left agree on a topic, you know something is rotten in the city of Washtingon, D.C.
 (DIR) 2006/05/14
 (TXT) Another calm day
 (DIR) 2006/05/15
 (TXT) It's just another manic Monday
 (DIR) 2006/05/16
 (TXT) Spillover from yesterday
 (TXT) That little routing issue
 (DIR) 2006/05/17
 (TXT) Is this anything like “Snakes on a Plane”?
 (DIR) 2006/05/18
 (TXT) Is it okay to say that white men can't jump?
 (DIR) 2006/05/19
 (TXT) Florida Ghosts
 (DIR) 2006/05/20
 (TXT) … and oddly enough, the movie was better than the book.
 (DIR) 2006/05/21
 (TXT) A little fire never hurt anyone
 (DIR) 2006/05/22
 (TXT) I guess it beats spam
 (DIR) 2006/05/23
 (TXT) If this is realistic, I'd hate to see what an unrealistic techno-thriller would be.
 (DIR) 2006/05/24
 (TXT) Snippit of a conversation overheard between an American and a Swede about nothing in particular
 (TXT) Apropos of nothing in particular but that I think it's neat and to flush out a pretty spare day with another rather silly entry whose title is longer than the actual content.
 (DIR) 2006/05/25
 (TXT) The wierd things we like
 (TXT) Towel Day
 (DIR) 2006/05/26
 (TXT) Road Trip
 (TXT) Entry from a Personal Data Assistant
 (TXT) Finally on the road.
 (TXT) Traffic Jam at the Reststop
 (TXT) Pulp Fiction
 (TXT) It's obviously a wrong number but I think you're too stoned to realize it. Or something like that.
 (DIR) 2006/05/27
 (TXT) Finally There
 (TXT) Cast of Characters
 (TXT) Birds
 (TXT) Talk about rural
 (TXT) A day in the country
 (DIR) 2006/05/28
 (TXT) A long way to go
 (DIR) 2006/05/29
 (TXT) The Parody Code
 (TXT) Plan 9 from Outer Space wasn't quite as silly
 (DIR) 2006/05/30
 (TXT) Fat fingers
 (TXT) Graphing websites
 (DIR) 2006/05/31
 (TXT) Bright side of life
 (TXT) Some memories of telecommuting