(DIR) 2006/07/10
 (TXT) Ketchup
 (DIR) 2006/07/11
 (TXT) The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
 (TXT) Bricks and mortar from a website
 (TXT) Cultural implications of the Princess Leia bikini indeed …
 (DIR) 2006/07/12
 (TXT) The fit hits the shan
 (DIR) 2006/07/13
 (TXT) The teflon shan
 (DIR) 2006/07/14
 (TXT) “Your page must contain not more than 15 outbound links”
 (DIR) 2006/07/15
 (TXT) Toilet woes
 (DIR) 2006/07/16
 (TXT) It is now 61 AA
 (TXT) Viva Lost Wages
 (DIR) 2006/07/17
 (TXT) Snippits from Lost Wages
 (TXT) Life, wheat, mildew
 (DIR) 2006/07/18
 (TXT) Snippits from Lost Wages
 (TXT) Wil “Not William Shatner” Wheaton
 (TXT) Postfix, Dovecot and Ravencore! Oh my!
 (DIR) 2006/07/19
 (TXT) The Wynn: the Disneyfication of European Elegance
 (TXT) Snippits from Lost Wages
 (DIR) 2006/07/20
 (TXT) Snippits from Lost Wages
 (TXT) Of limited interest
 (TXT) Too much time on his hands
 (DIR) 2006/07/21
 (TXT) Snippits from Lost Wages
 (DIR) 2006/07/22
 (TXT) The Anything RPG
 (DIR) 2006/07/23
 (TXT) The Adventures of Alfredo
 (DIR) 2006/07/24
 (TXT) Me on cold medication, II
 (TXT) Imminent death of Las Vegas is a bit premature
 (DIR) 2006/07/25
 (TXT) She doesn't even have Katrina to blame …
 (DIR) 2006/07/26
 (TXT) The joke's on me
 (TXT) Looking into the library and Check-point-Charlie
 (TXT) If this keeps up, I might not come into the office on Wednesdays
 (DIR) 2006/07/27
 (TXT) The joke's on you
 (TXT) All's quiet on the cyberian front
 (DIR) 2006/07/28
 (TXT) It's a thankless job, but someone has to do it
 (TXT) “And I drive …”
 (TXT) Make that Fridays as well …
 (DIR) 2006/07/29
 (TXT) And this is a light page
 (DIR) 2006/07/30
 (TXT) A boring Sunday
 (DIR) 2006/07/31
 (TXT) Besides, it all ends in 2011 anyway …