(DIR) 2006/12/01
 (TXT) Blah
 (DIR) 2006/12/02
 (TXT) Non-blah
 (TXT) Searching for code
 (DIR) 2006/12/03
 (TXT) From the “Flogging the Dead Horse” Department
 (DIR) 2006/12/04
 (TXT) What I'd really like is to cause coulrophobia in our customers …
 (DIR) 2006/12/05
 (TXT) Nothing much to see unless you're a programmer
 (DIR) 2006/12/06
 (TXT) “Education is basically a series of rent-seeking rackets”
 (DIR) 2006/12/07
 (TXT) Still nothing much to see unless you're a programmer
 (DIR) 2006/12/08
 (TXT) I suspect email isn't long for this world
 (DIR) 2006/12/09
 (TXT) Two pictures taken at night with a 15 second exposure while walking down a neighborhood looking at the outside season decorations somewhere in South Florida
 (DIR) 2006/12/10
 (TXT) Bah, humbug
 (DIR) 2006/12/11
 (TXT) On the menu tonight: spam
 (DIR) 2006/12/12
 (TXT) You mean it's another one of those talk like days?
 (TXT) “Well, you have to know these things when you're a king, you know.”
 (DIR) 2006/12/13
 (TXT) How long until enough admins say “Enough is enough!”?
 (TXT) Night lights
 (DIR) 2006/12/14
 (TXT) Crazy Day
 (DIR) 2006/12/15
 (TXT) A one time tax break
 (DIR) 2006/12/16
 (TXT) “There's nothing better than camel head soup … ”
 (DIR) 2006/12/17
 (TXT) Lucky
 (TXT) “Don't forget the passport.”
 (DIR) 2006/12/18
 (TXT) Oh how I long for the Monopolistic Power Company here in Florida
 (TXT) alt.spammer.die.die.die
 (TXT) Parable of the Stairs
 (TXT) Archie in the 21st Century
 (DIR) 2006/12/19
 (TXT) Bad Hair Day
 (TXT) I bet David Rhodes wishes this would die
 (TXT) Data center in a box
 (DIR) 2006/12/20
 (TXT) These people should know better
 (DIR) 2006/12/21
 (TXT) It's easy to make, so of course I burn it
 (DIR) 2006/12/22
 (TXT) The spam just keeps rising
 (DIR) 2006/12/23
 (TXT) Two amusing musical links
 (DIR) 2006/12/24
 (TXT) Catsup on Christmas Eve
 (DIR) 2006/12/25
 (TXT) An old fashioned Merry Christmas
 (DIR) 2006/12/26
 (TXT) Well, that was Christmas
 (DIR) 2006/12/27
 (TXT) It was the best of ideas; it was the worst of ideas
 (DIR) 2006/12/28
 (TXT) What? Another gamer film?
 (DIR) 2006/12/29
 (TXT) Schlepping bits
 (DIR) 2006/12/30
 (TXT) Walt Dismal World
 (TXT) Some Walt Disney Stories
 (DIR) 2006/12/31
 (TXT) Rocket's Red Glare