(DIR) 2007/07/01
 (TXT) Monkeys
 (DIR) 2007/07/02
 (TXT) Food. At a restaurant.
 (DIR) 2007/07/03
 (TXT) The dreaded “Early Morning Call”
 (DIR) 2007/07/04
 (TXT) Blowing things up with alien technology
 (TXT) “Houston, we have a problem … ”
 (TXT) “I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free, living under a system of Law, without systemic corruption and I can blow stuff up for fun, not for survival.”
 (DIR) 2007/07/05
 (TXT) There is a difference between routing and blocking …
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation between a customer of the Monopolistic Phone Company and Technical Support on an email issue
 (DIR) 2007/07/06
 (TXT) “And together, they must save Elvis from the Illinois Nazis.”
 (DIR) 2007/07/07
 (TXT) How Ricky Bary Harbord can be a pregnant former First Lady
 (DIR) 2007/07/08
 (TXT) Some thoughts on health care while my dislike of Michael Moore comes through, and a small tangent thought on cheap computers
 (DIR) 2007/07/09
 (TXT) “Ooh, look! A Monopolistic Phone Company Repair Van in its native habitat!”
 (TXT) Cross-eyed and brain-fried
 (DIR) 2007/07/10
 (TXT) They certainly know how to time power outtages around here
 (TXT) There's a reason why a feature that takes five minutes to implement takes ten hours to code …
 (DIR) 2007/07/11
 (TXT) But it will still save on electricity
 (TXT) Then again, no two people on any given airplane paid the same amount.
 (DIR) 2007/07/12
 (TXT) Idiocracy
 (DIR) 2007/07/13
 (TXT) Power
 (DIR) 2007/07/14
 (TXT) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
 (DIR) 2007/07/15
 (TXT) An analog clock
 (TXT) You know, Mussolini did make the trains run on time …
 (TXT) A moving experience, that's for sure
 (DIR) 2007/07/16
 (TXT) Hidden in the books
 (TXT) Software wise, we're still in the mid-1980s it seems
 (DIR) 2007/07/17
 (TXT) Busy day
 (DIR) 2007/07/18
 (TXT) “Energy problem? What energy problem?”
 (TXT) Stupid Twitter Tricks
 (DIR) 2007/07/19
 (TXT) Speaking of Bruce Willis films, Hudson Hawk wasn't a bad film either
 (TXT) I hate it when I have to troubleshoot the tools required to troubleshoot the actual problem …
 (DIR) 2007/07/20
 (TXT) Email woes
 (TXT) But on the other hand, wouldn't Snape also know she's a Death Eater?
 (DIR) 2007/07/21
 (TXT) Six Words For The Day
 (DIR) 2007/07/22
 (TXT) Eight Words For The Day
 (DIR) 2007/07/23
 (TXT) Class notes from the School of Hard Knocks
 (DIR) 2007/07/27
 (TXT) I never did handle stress well
 (TXT) Our customer wasn't the only thing down this week …
 (TXT) Coca Cola and jam butties
 (TXT) Life at Casa New Jersey via snippits of email
 (TXT) Email woes II
 (TXT) Why yes, I am making up for lost entries this week. Why do you ask?
 (TXT) My Life, not with the Thrill Kill Kult, but with the Monopolistic Phone Company
 (DIR) 2007/07/28
 (TXT) With a large enough hammer, anything will fit!
 (DIR) 2007/07/29
 (TXT) You know, if my Page Rank™ wasn't so high, I probably wouldn't have to do this. Ah, the price of fame …
 (DIR) 2007/07/30
 (TXT) Actually, I've gotten over the cravings and now wish to divest myself of these classic computers
 (TXT) A satirical look at satire. Or is it?
 (DIR) 2007/07/31
 (TXT) Going once … going twice …
 (TXT) Stupid CSS tricks