(DIR) 2008/02/01
 (TXT) The DSL Dance
 (DIR) 2008/02/02
 (TXT) I guess 36,500,000 days in Punxsutawney could drive one a bit batty
 (TXT) Visual notes from a South Florida Fair
 (TXT) Notes on a conversation with The Monopolistic Phone Company Technical Support Help Line
 (DIR) 2008/02/03
 (TXT) Super Sunday
 (DIR) 2008/02/04
 (TXT) Knock knock
 (DIR) 2008/02/05
 (TXT) Stone knives and bear skins
 (DIR) 2008/02/06
 (TXT) Dull knives and tattered skins
 (DIR) 2008/02/07
 (TXT) Lisa's Father
 (DIR) 2008/02/08
 (TXT) Dance! Dance, Miss Piggy, dance!
 (TXT) Why does this not surprise me about PHP?
 (DIR) 2008/02/09
 (TXT) “Clocks can evolve, thank you very much.”
 (DIR) 2008/02/10
 (TXT) A mock-up of a better stone knife
 (TXT) Oh wow …
 (DIR) 2008/02/11
 (TXT) “I block the shots with my laser sword.”
 (TXT) “Is there a Doctor in the TARDIS?”
 (DIR) 2008/02/12
 (TXT) An animated Dr. Who
 (TXT) I just wish Colin Powell was running as well …
 (DIR) 2008/02/13
 (TXT) Another one of those leaky abstractions
 (DIR) 2008/02/14
 (TXT) Why not? It's not like I haven't used this before on this day
 (DIR) 2008/02/15
 (TXT) Notes on a conversation about skipping school
 (TXT) Global Warming is so last week, now it's “Global Climatic Change”
 (TXT) Oil, schmoil …
 (TXT) [[censored]]
 (DIR) 2008/02/16
 (TXT) “Eh … what's up, Spock?”
 (DIR) 2008/02/17
 (TXT) At least I don't have to schlep equipment down a flight of stairs
 (TXT) Why arrest someone stealing WiFi when you can have fun with them?
 (DIR) 2008/02/25
 (TXT) I never realized there was a week between Sunday and Monday
 (TXT) I'm such the geek
 (DIR) 2008/02/26
 (TXT) And this seems more engrossing than those old Choose Your Own Adventure books …
 (TXT) A more readable Garfield
 (DIR) 2008/02/27
 (TXT) The latest in car accessories