(DIR) 2008/09/01
 (TXT) Ridin' Gustav
 (DIR) 2008/09/02
 (TXT) The Company is changing its name—it is no longer known as The Company. The new name of The Company is The Company
 (DIR) 2008/09/03
 (TXT) Owning more than you expect
 (DIR) 2008/09/04
 (TXT) Snippits from a conversation about the upcoming Presidential Election
 (TXT) A pathetic attempt at one of those Intarweb memes
 (TXT) Notes from a trip to an office store
 (TXT) I hate Heisenbugs
 (DIR) 2008/09/05
 (TXT) Yet even more stupid benchmarks
 (DIR) 2008/09/06
 (TXT) Memoirs of a baggage handler
 (DIR) 2008/09/08
 (TXT) I wonder what's actually worse—going nuclear or going postal?
 (TXT) Notes on a conversation over the weekly grocery list
 (TXT) Cookie dough? Cooooooookie dough? Coooooooooooookie dough.
 (DIR) 2008/09/09
 (TXT) Confusion
 (DIR) 2008/09/10
 (TXT) Notes on an overseen Instant Message conversation wherein names have been changed to protect the guilty and to promote plausible deniability so no one (specifically the intrepid person reporting said Instant Message conversation) can be reprimanded
 (DIR) 2008/09/15
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation on vampire slaying
 (DIR) 2008/09/16
 (TXT) “The time has come. You know it in your soul.”
 (DIR) 2008/09/17
 (TXT) Reason #13 I hate PHP
 (DIR) 2008/09/21
 (TXT) Notes from a ★★★★★ restaurant …
 (DIR) 2008/09/22
 (TXT) “I can't see the forest! There's too many trees in the way!”
 (TXT) Reason #√-1 I hate PHP
 (DIR) 2008/09/25
 (TXT) “I'm refusing to run this program and you don't like it!”
 (DIR) 2008/09/26
 (TXT) 1973
 (DIR) 2008/09/29
 (TXT) And best of all, it doesn't require a time machine
 (TXT) No wonder economics is called the “dismal science”