(DIR) 2009/04/01
 (TXT) The makers of dinosaurs finally becomes a dinosaur.
 (TXT) Some notes on a non-April Fools joke (or, Metaposts are bad)
 (TXT) These guys really know how to do it
 (TXT) MTV's The Real World: “This is the end my only friend, the end.”
 (TXT) MTV's The Real World: “One Last Word”
 (DIR) 2009/04/09
 (TXT) Convenience vs. Correctness
 (DIR) 2009/04/13
 (TXT) Let's just send in some Amazonian warriors to get to the bottom of all this
 (DIR) 2009/04/15
 (TXT) Funny, I didn't think the IRS had offices in Russia …
 (DIR) 2009/04/18
 (TXT) A Day At The Zoo
 (DIR) 2009/04/21
 (TXT) Tales from the Dead Letter Office