(DIR) 2009/09/01
 (TXT) Take Five
 (DIR) 2009/09/02
 (TXT) The quiet before the storm
 (TXT) Has it really been five years since the last release?
 (DIR) 2009/09/03
 (TXT) Neat, but I still don't like it
 (TXT) Notes on a browser history mechanism, Part II
 (DIR) 2009/09/04
 (TXT) Another from the “Life trumps satire” Department
 (DIR) 2009/09/07
 (TXT) A rabbit hole to China
 (DIR) 2009/09/14
 (TXT) You can't win if you don't play, but I still have my dollar. Do you?
 (TXT) “Star Surfs”
 (DIR) 2009/09/15
 (TXT) “Okay, I'm deleting records over a certain age, so the time needs to be … ”
 (DIR) 2009/09/23
 (TXT) Notes on a Browser History Mechanism, Part III
 (TXT) So called “alternative energy sources”
 (DIR) 2009/09/29
 (TXT) “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe”