(DIR) 2009/12/01
 (TXT) A new version of the greylist daemon, in time for the holidays
 (TXT) Programs are buggy because error checking is tedious and error prone. Ironic, don't you think?
 (DIR) 2009/12/02
 (TXT) I told you handing errors was error prone
 (TXT) This actually doesn't sound half bad …
 (TXT) Shop for a home, from your home
 (DIR) 2009/12/04
 (TXT) Has it really been that long already?
 (DIR) 2009/12/08
 (TXT) The woodpeckers are coming
 (DIR) 2009/12/22
 (TXT) Angels & Demons
 (DIR) 2009/12/25
 (TXT) Festive Christian feast, good fellowship commemorating the rededcation of the Temple of Jerusalem and a high sprited African-American cultural festival