(DIR) 2012/01/01
 (TXT) Yet another 365.2421897 days around the sun
 (DIR) 2012/01/02
 (TXT) The next pie is going to be expensive …
 (TXT) Home Video Commentaries
 (DIR) 2012/01/03
 (TXT) The next pie isn't going to be that expensive …
 (DIR) 2012/01/04
 (TXT) An annoying attack
 (TXT) A denial of service attack
 (DIR) 2012/01/05
 (TXT) An anoying attack, Part II
 (DIR) 2012/01/06
 (TXT) Jews, in Tehran? Really?
 (DIR) 2012/01/07
 (TXT) Reason to hate PHP #3-Running PHP-core dumped to preserve sanity
 (TXT) An interesting take on applications
 (DIR) 2012/01/08
 (TXT) Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi!
 (TXT) “One does not simply walk into a Linux kernel upgrade!”
 (DIR) 2012/01/09
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 1: The Standard
 (DIR) 2012/01/10
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 2: K&R C
 (DIR) 2012/01/11
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 3: C89 in K&R style
 (DIR) 2012/01/12
 (TXT) Just to make sure, I did my “once-a-decade” check of an IDE. Yup, I still hate 'em.
 (TXT) The proper care of cast iron cookware
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 4: C99
 (DIR) 2012/01/13
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 5: C99 in K&R style
 (DIR) 2012/01/14
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 6: C89, “splint -strict” compliant
 (DIR) 2012/01/15
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 7: C89, const correctness
 (DIR) 2012/01/16
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 8: C99, const and restrict correctness
 (TXT) Notes on a conversation while driving to dinner
 (DIR) 2012/01/17
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 9: C89, const correctness, assertive
 (TXT) The network? A firewall? A bug? A misconfiguration? Gremlins? Who knows?
 (DIR) 2012/01/18
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 10: C99, const and restrict correctness, assertive
 (TXT) It was a misconfiguration
 (TXT) A bit about buggy whips
 (DIR) 2012/01/19
 (TXT) They're hard problems for a reason …
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 11: C89, const correctness, assertive, GCC extensions
 (TXT) Okay, what failed this time?
 (DIR) 2012/01/20
 (TXT) Notes about an overheard conversation between a blogger and his lovely and talented copy editor
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 12: C99, const and restrict correctness, assertive, GCC extenstions
 (DIR) 2012/01/21
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 13: COLOR COMPUTER BASIC, EASY
 (DIR) 2012/01/22
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 14: COLOR COMPUTER BASIC
 (DIR) 2012/01/23
 (TXT) A disconnect
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 15: Lua
 (DIR) 2012/01/24
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 16: Lua, recursion
 (DIR) 2012/01/25
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 17: Lua, recursion, runtime type checking
 (TXT) “A big ol' slab of beef!”
 (DIR) 2012/01/26
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 18: Lua, recursion, callback
 (DIR) 2012/01/27
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 19: Lua, recursion, closure as callback
 (DIR) 2012/01/28
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 20: C89, const correctness, assertive, system calls
 (DIR) 2012/01/29
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 21: C89, const correctness, assertive, system calls, per line buffering
 (DIR) 2012/01/30
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 22: C89, const correctness, assertive, system calls, full buffering
 (TXT) Double facepalm
 (TXT) Sounds of a programmer dominated office
 (DIR) 2012/01/31
 (TXT) Rabid howler monkeys on crack wrote this code
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 23: C89, const correctness, assertive, system calls, full buffering, lookup table